Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We Shared a Room with Montgomery Cliff

Three days with little sleep traveling over two thousand miles, we arrived in Hollywood. Making our way to our hotel trying to avoid the Los Angeles traffic, we followed the little blue line on Google Map on our iPad. We finally found ourselves at the valet of our grand old hotel and were greeted then directed towards the hotel lobby. My boys were excited, even though they didn't say it. We quickly checked in and found our way to the elevator. Brody and Zane raced to open the room door, fighting for the desk, the outlet for their computers and the lone desk chair. As Brody opened the door, he blocked the entrance hesitating to walk inside holding the door ajar. Zane made a move to pass him in the tight hall as the stampede carried them to the desk, the door sprung back and I managed to block it open with my bag. Entering the room, I grabbed the knob on the closet door hoping to find a luggage rack for my bag. Pulling open the door I was met with a dark mass. It lunged towards me looking like a cloud of smoke, as I gasped for breath, I could feel a cool breeze pass through me. Gasping for air, words frozen, I dropped my bags, walked further into the room, looked at my boys looking back at me as I shook and wiggled. Knowing the cold chill made every hair on my body stand strait up. I shook to warm myself, shaking the chill from every inch of my body the boys starred and I flopped down onto the bed, started to whoop, yelp and suddenly, I cracked up laughing.

We were in Hollywood, and Hollywood boulevard here we come! Waiting for the elevator I started making up excuses why it was taking so long. It's an old building, everyone must be going out and several more followed. Ding, the elevator doors opened and it was slammed full of guest with bags. Exhaling all at once, the elevator left and the boys pushed the button once more. A minute later the same elevator door opened and the same people occupied it. An explosion of comments jolted out of the opening doors and then they were gone again. The second elevator seemed to be detained elsewhere as we stood patiently, pushing the button repeatedly. The same elevator door slid open and people came dashing off with bags in tow. They had said the doors wouldn't open on their floor and they would rather take the stairs than that elevator again. Ignoring their statements, we jumped in and rode the elevator with no events or problems.

Celebrity sightings, the Jimmy Kimmel show, finding Stars in the sidewalk, live entertainment at the Hard Rock, pool parties with celebrities, red carpet events, and our personal favorite; people watching! Long eventful days made sleeping easy. However staying asleep was difficult at times. Every morning around 3:00 AM our television switched on to the cartoon network blaring loudly. Startling me, I scrambled to find the remote and found the off button and in the morning the television was back on. The third night the television turned on, I simply turned the volume down and left the cartoons on.

One morning getting in the shower, I felt something. Maybe someone was watching me; I felt an invariable chill, but definitely something unexplainable at that moment. Goosebumps covered my body, and my hair stood strait up on my arms. Out loud I spoke, "Really? I'm an old fat mom, don't watch me." If there was something, someone, anything present I thought that would stop it or make it go away. Getting out of the shower, the Goosebumps were gone. I looked at myself in the mirror, in the small bathroom, where I had a steaming hot shower. The mirror never fogged.

The last night we stayed in Hollywood I fell asleep first, while Zane and Brody we're grossly involved in computer combat. Later, hoping not to wake Zane I struggled to stay on my side of the small bed. Early morning the sun had lit the room, I sat on the side of my bed facing the other bed where I saw my two boys asleep. Turning around slowly, I saw no one in my bed. When the boys woke, I asked them if they had moved or changed beds. Neither of them had.

After returning home I did some research on the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood. Amazed, but in no way was I shocked to discover that the hotel has had several reports of hauntings. If I read the stories before staying there, it's possible I wouldn't have gone. I had made an excuse for every event and occurrence during my visit. The occurrences were easy to dismiss. After the trip, Brody disclosed to me the reason why he hesitated before walking into the room. He thought someone was standing in the bathroom, but he dismissed it for the strange bathroom lighting. The fact that every hair on both my arms stood straight out and something in that room made my skin crawl enough to make me shake as if spiders were crawling all over my body, makes me wonder. Did I encounter a star from the past? He can't seem to cross over see the light - and leave his old glamorous life behind? Seeing is, believing. Maybe you should visit the glitz and glamour of Hollywood for yourself. May I suggest you stay at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood?

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